Thursday, July 17, 2008

Week No. 5 7/16/08

well another week down and 4 or so to go. time is really starting to pick up. O templo foi otimo hoje. o temple de são paulo is like the best. There’s stained oak and just awesome, just wished devon could have been there with me. so last week i got my first hair cut from the ctm barber yeah, he like doesn’t look when he is cutting and just talks and sings the whole time but he has cut hair at all four of the ctms that have been in brazil. but its funny cause like elders will come to class with missed spot in there hair, i don’t have that problem cause i was like ‘hey focus on my hair’ but he doesn’t speak english so it’s funny to try and talk to him.

we taught a family last saturday it was kool, but not at the same time. like there’s 12 in the district and only enuff rooms for half so we had to split up so me and doogy had to teach with others. i taught with elder coats (idaho) and elder halgren (montana) they did awesome. i stumbled but got my message out. it was awesome cause there wasn’t a word that i wanted to say that i didn’t know, so i totally had everything i needed to say in my lesson. there was some divine help with that cause me and housley tried to teach our lesson the night before and we couldn’t keep it under 15 mins.

all is well aqui the language is ok i feel a lot better EVEN THO ELDER SNEEZE-ALL-DAY (housley) GOT ME SICK so yea, I sleep better even tho I’m sick, weird.

can’t wait to leave the place they call spirit prison love you all, elder marx
sure, dad, you can use my 47 inch tv while I’m gone…LOL

1 comment:

Chauntelle Graf Photography said...

I love how he always makes references to Dev and even Tyler... its awesome... Im so proud of all of those boys :)